Seasoning for the World

First Edition

I just want everybody to know if you delight yourself in God, he will give you give the desire of your heart. Ps. 37:4 You will get a miracle when you are ready for the miracle. John 3:34. I have learned with faith (Heb. 11:1) there’s no limit to the blessings that God has in store for his servants…

Second Edition

This book will give you some clear information about the basic foundation of life spiritually lived. Many experience what we refer to the school of hard knots. In these pages, many elderly citizens as well as the young navigate through life by reading about others with similar experiences…

Austra Galloway

The author Austra L. Galloway was born in October 1945 at the closing of WWII as America was recovering from battle fatigue. After his mother passed, he spent his childhood with his grandparents in Metcalfe Mississippi. This was a decision made by my father for my sister and I to live with his parents….


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